I didn't have an idea of what a "dream job" looked like for me until I listened to "How to Land Your Dream Job + Traveling the World w/ Megan Homme" by the Already Friends podcast. In the episode, Megan Homme talks abour her position at United Airlines as a corporate commmunications writer, and the added bonus of free standby flights. After listening the episode, I realized that my "dream job" consists of writing and traveling, so I would love to work in corporate communications for an airline or other travel agency.
My Chosen Fam
I believe that everyone has a chosen family. Your chosen family doesn't have to include people that you are related to, but it can! My chosen family (AKA the most important people in my life) includes my older sister, my niece, my boyfriend, my two best friends, and my dog. Without them, I don't know what I would do with my life.
Emma Chamberlain
One thing about is that I love podcasts and youtube videos. I love that both platforms are extremely versatile. If I want to be entertained, I can listen to a podcast or watch a youtube video. If I want to learn something about a specific topic—you guessed it—listen to a podcast or watch a youtube video. One of my favorite youtubers to watch for entertainment purposes is Emma Chamberlain.
On campus I have a community of women that I love and admire so much. I joined Leading Women of Tomorrow my freshman year at Pitt. I applied to be an executive board member and I have since served as the organizations first year outreach chair, social media chair, and president! This small group of women inspire me each and every day.
Learning 4 Life
I always knew I wanted to go to college. I loved school as a kid and as a teenager, and now as an adult. I can't imagine what life will be like when I don't get to spend my time in a classroom. It may sound lame, but it is truly heartbreaking to think about. I hope to never lose my passion for learning and to always find a way to continue educating myself outside of the classroom.